About me
Artist Statement
My work focuses on age and aging in a variety of subjects. I paint to express the emotional response within me, what I see and feel, not just the physical aspect of aging, but what I find to be beauty at every stage of life in defiance of the aging process itself. Exploring the theme of entropy in today’s world, I want to paint scenes that represent to me a second chance at beauty. As I see it these moments play an important part in what draws me to paint.
Many scenes awaken responses in me. Simple, sea-worn, hollowed out seashells; the last glorious sunflower of the field; a beautiful sunset at sea; a faded rose gamely clinging to life while its beautiful siblings continue to show off their glorious colors -- all express to me meaning and beauty that can be found in the everchanging natural world.
The eroded remains of a bridge left in the convergence of two mighty rivers or the attempt to dress up old buildings with a façade of respectability speak to me of manmade eroding forces that we all face every day. Additionally, trees enchant me — old, twisted ones that have weathered, funny faces; scarred ones that have stories to tell of survival. I hope that others can see these stories through my painted interpretation of what is in front of me.
“Art can provoke thought and prepare us for change.” Elizabeth Catlett (American artist and sculptor) 1915-2012
Graduate of Master Artist Program, 3 year masters level course of study under the tutelage of internationally known artist Glen Kessler at The Compass Atelier, Bethesda MD; BA Univ. of Md.
Juried into: South East Exhibition, 2022, Montpelier, VA; Montgomery Artists Assoc. The Nature of Art 2022; Rockville Artists Assoc. Juried Members’ Spring Show 2022; Friends of Yellow Barn Winter Exhibit 2022
Hon. Mention — Botanicals Jan. 2023 “Dogwood Delight” LightSpaceTime.com Online Gallery
Hon. Mention — Floral Art Nov. 2022 “Christmas Cactus” and “Water Lily No.1” GreyCubeGallery.com Online Gallery
Special Merit —Primary Colors Nov. 2022 “Spring Blossoms” LightSpaceTime.com Online Gallery
Special Merit — Landscapes Sept. 2022 “Early Autumn" LightSpaceTime.com Online Gallery
Hon. Mention — Seascapes Aug. 2022 "Laguna Sunset” LightSpaceTime.com Online Gallery
Special Merit — Animals June, 2022 “Miss Curiosity” LightSpaceTime.com Online Gallery